Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Weekend...

It's been a long time since I posted.
Gosh, I tend to do these "It's been a long time..." post alot don't I? LOL
I just get busy with the 100 million things to do around here.

Halloween was un-eventful. Kids dressed up and went trick or treating. We didn't get pictures, just plain forgot. But really, as the kids get older, it's just not that big of a deal anymore.
Friday afternoon Derek got back from a week long hunting trip at the DR Horton Ranch. He had a great time and came back with a bunch of venison.
Saturday morning we got up early and went to the Kelly USA/Lackland AF Airfest 2008.
It was a GREAT time. We stayed all day. Walked through most of the displays. We ran into our neighbor who flys the C-5 Galaxy for the Airforce. He took me upstairs of the airplane to show me the cockpit, sleeping quarters etc.
Derek and the boys had already seen it all, our neighbor had taken them last year on a tour of it and let them fly the simulator.
The highlight of the day was seeing the Blue Angels team perform. What a GREAT show! They did an awsome job. Amazing what those planes can do, and what those pilots can withstand.

As we drove through part of the base housing (we had to park kinda far and take a bus to get to the show) It struck me. All the houses we saw, not one Obama/Biden sign. Not one Obama sticker on a car. Lots of McCain/Palin ones. To me, that speaks volumes.

I saw this video on Fox news this morning, and my mom sent it to me yesterday.

Very powerful.

Here is one thing that bugs me about politics/hollywood.
Last election there were so many celebrities, Barbara Streisand being a big one, that said they would "leave the US" if Bush was re-elected. He was re-elected, so why are they all still here?
I read last weekend an interview with Tina Fey in which she implied that she would rather die than see McCain/Palin win. (It was I think last week's Parade Magazine that comes in the sunday paper. They did an article on SNL Politics) Seriously? Can I hold you to that?
It would just be nice if people stayed true to their word. Don't say it if you don't mean it.

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