The family has I don't know how many acres of corn, they grow for feed and/or biofuel. The boys had fun playing in the corn stalks.
Alec & Cole with their cousin HD, who is 17 years old and over 6 feet tall. He is a great kid. Helps his dad & grandpa work the farm. The wedding was beautiful, reception was the coolest I have ever been to. So much fun! Those pics should arrive shortly.
The sad ending...
We arrived home and had to take my cat Miles to the vet. He was having trouble breathing, and over the past couple weeks had lost alot of weight (despite me feeding him more high fat/calorie food rather than the regular seinor formula stuff). We ended up having to put him to sleep. The vet said it sounded like he had fluid in his lungs and around his heart. The treatment he would have had to undergo he probably wouldn't have made it through given his age. (He was over 14 years old) The vet thought it was best to let him go. He was having so much trouble breathing. I held him while the vet gave him the injection & he died in my arms. It was the hardest thing I have EVER had to do.
My boy in better days. He was a really good cat. I had got him when he was just a couple weeks old. He was the runt of his litter, the only boy of all girls. He went through 4 moves (one of then half way accross the country) 1 attack by a 100+ lb. dog (this was not Princess, it happened years ago when we lived in North CA) and had killed probably hundreds of mice, lizards, snakes etc. He was a great hunter. I miss him when I drink my morning coffee, he always hopped up on my lap. And listening him to him growl a little when he ate canned food.

He is missed!
So sorry about your loss. Great blog. I will definately be back. Thanks for sharing on Two Peas.