Monday, October 15, 2007

A fantastic weekend!

The walk Saturday was great! It was a beautiful, perfect day. So many people showed up. It was truly inspiring to see the hordes of people rallying around in support of their friends/family members living with diabetes.

And a big to everyone who donated! We raised close to $3,000! AWSOME!!
here are a few pictures from the day...

We all hauled our cookies out of bed at 5:30 am just for this cute little guy!

We decorated our wagon (our team is Reid's Rangers, like the Texas Rangers)

the boys being goofy on the walk route. :D

I set up a little 6 degrees badge on here, so you can still make donations.

OH! and go here:

to vote for Sam Talbot as Glad's "Steamest Chef" if he wins Glad will donate $30,000 to the JDRF. You can vote as many times as you want so vote lots please!! He is a hottie!!!

Well, I am off to take Cole to the dentist. He got knocked in the mouth and one of his front teeth is loose so we have to go get him checked out. Oh the joys of raising boys!

Have a great week!!